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About me

This is me, an image of myself, wearing a Star Wars T-shirt with a flannel shirt wrapped around my waist

Many Moons Ago…


My obsession with thrift store shopping started many moons ago. In the late 80’s into the early 90’s I worked with local bands in the North East. Being the era of the ‘hair bands’ I was hired to do hair and makeup, and style looks for local bands before gigs. I created a lot of the clothing myself, which consisted of hand-painted jackets and jeans, with lots of skull work and fringe. Thrifting was an amazing way to score finds to transform and create Rock and Roll looks that kept me generating a growing clientele. 


Traveling Hippie Chic 


Next, we journeyed further into the 90s and I relocated south into the warmer weather, living in FL and then New Orleans.  I lost my ‘hair band’ clientele but the move was designed for a purge and reemerge…aka, big changes. I discovered the world of entertainment and began traveling from city to city, and state to state. This opened up a whole new adventure in Thrifting. My obsession grew. Thrifting in new places grew into an exciting treasure hunt. You gotta remember, this was way before cell phones. There was no… ‘Hey Siri, thrift stores near me.” Thrifting was a Yellow Pages hunt if you were lucky, but more than likely, a word-of-mouth hidden treasure trove…That is if you could get people to share their hidden havens. 


The Maiden turns into the Mother


Life was so much fun back then, not a worry in the world. But let’s flash forward again, to the onset of my baby-making days. At this point, I started thrifting for retro fabrics to recycle into trending pieces better suited for the times. For example, I loved finding a wild textile and pattern to transform into a pencil skirt. I also loved taking multiple pairs of jeans and creating hippie-style maxi skirts. Deconstructing thrift finds, and creating newer trending pieces, became lucrative and I launched a website to gain access to buyers. The Retro Hippie was officially birthed into a brand, and as a stay-at-home mom, I had a gig. 


Making Obstacles Opportunities …


I never lost my flair for thrifting, as time unraveled I found myself a single mom with three small kids. Thrifting became a necessity. It opened my eyes to a new world. The world of sustainability. Before my divorce I spent frivolous amounts of money, obsessing over kids' clothing. The money I spent on kids' clothing was mind-boggling. When I started thrifting for their clothing, I knew my obstacle in being a single mom with very little financial means, was now an opportunity to do better. Thrifting for baby clothes was the only way to go! Let’s face it, kids rarely wear their clothing to the point of ruin. They simply outgrow them…Which means three things: 


  1. Children require wardrobes that they will outgrow fast 

  2. Donated clothing means an endless supply for a fraction of the cost

  3. Donated Children’s clothing creates sustainable options that help preserve the planet


“Find what you Love, Love what you Find.”


Flash forward one last time, to the present day, and online platforms provide me a means of having my thrift store…without all the overhead costs associated with a brick-and-mortar storefront! I’m still obsessed with thrifting, and I still get butterflies when I find a new location, I’m still shopping for treasures, and I rarely wear the same thing twice. I simply photograph my looks daily, list my items, and spin a profit. It’s become a hobby-side hustle. Thrift Flipping…it’s a thing! I'm providing a supplemental income for my family while doing something that I love. The money I bring in through the art of the flip goes directly to my Venmo account. This card is used for the everyday necessities that arise, as they do. Gas for vehicles, salt for the well, yearly furnace cleaning, oil to heat in the winter, etc. You get the idea, that the everyday necessities that typically burden the financial budget are now nothing to stress about. With my side hustle, I never worry or stress when these daily necessities pop up. It’s a safety net of sorts. Having been a single mom for many years, thrift flipping provided my family with more than just children’s clothing. It provided me with a peace of mind. 


Thrift store shopping sustains my families day to day expenses, keeps me happy and in my element, and every time I score a bundle of bags for cheap money…it’s also refreshing to know it’s also a tax right off! It’s a win-win-win! 


Demolitioning The Stigma on Multiple Levels 


Having evolved on the thrift store scene for many years, I’ve heard the stigmas related to the process. Stigmas never deterred me from the things I know. I’m a realist. I maneuver in facts. Flash forward to the present day and the stigma around buying secondhand has evolved into a necessity, not just for financial purposes but for the preservation of the planet.  


But here is where I throw my readers a curveball. There’s another stigma I aim to demolish. That is the stigma wrapped around mental health issues. I was once a victim of this stigma, not because society deemed it unfavorable, but because I deemed it unfavorable. I’m a realist and I also believe in the power of manifestation. Odd mix for some, but if you believe in the power of manifestation, it’s likely because you’ve witnessed it with your own eyes. I have. When I was first diagnosed with depression I refused to use the label. I felt if I did use the label, I was owning it. I wasn’t ready to own it. So I called it The D-word. 


Strength in Numbers


Flash forward to my journey with anxiety and depression, and I own it. The only way to fight your enemy is to know your enemy. The only way I could fight was to acknowledge it. I fought many years in silence. I found once I opened up, and stood with both feet in my truth, I received a lot of responses from others. Not just with people interested because they suffered, or they had someone in their lives that suffered, but with support for my mental health. I found an army of others. 


You see, mental health challenges are not a stigma. It’s the opposite. People with mental health are not ‘less than.’ They are ‘more than.’ They are warriors. If you're reading this and you struggle…you're a warrior. I know the strength it takes to function ‘normally.’ If you don’t have mental health issues you maneuver in a normal world. For those of us who struggle, we maneuver the same world with a much heavier load. So ‘normal’ is anything but! It’s a struggle, it’s a daily battle, and if you warrior through it…be proud of yourself. You're not a stigma. Your story can move mountains! Don’t be afraid to share! You could very well end up a saving grace for others, and an inspiration for your healing. Never stop, and never hesitate to reach out to me or any other member of this army…because there are many! We are not a Stigma…we are warriors!


There you have it…


So The Retro Hippie is 100% about sustainable fashion, styling, and design…she loves the excitement of thrift flipping, but she’s also a warrior in the battle for mental health. I’ve created this platform to share all things sustainable fashion, styling, and design…I outline the art of thrift flipping in hopes of inspiring others who need a side hustle too, and I’m also sharing tips and tricks to combat mental health. Neither is a stigma, but it is a lifestyle that takes dedication and continued effort. Nothing worth having comes easy.


The Retro Hippie is a lifestyle: I’m my boss, and I’m a warrior in ‘taking back my health.’ If I can do it…so can you. If you want to help me demolish the stigma around sustainable fashion and mental health, and perhaps supplement your income by thrift flipping too… Please follow me on any of my platforms that suit you best. If this isn’t an interest to you, thank you for investing your time to read what The Retro Hippie is about. I wish you well on your journey…wherever that may lead you…


Sincerely KimmeC 

The Owner, Designer, and Creator of The Retro Hippie 



Disclaimer: It’s important to note that anything I share about mental health is simply my opinion on things I’ve experienced. It is not meant to diagnose, prevent, or treat anyone other than myself. I am not a professional in the academic sense, I have no degree in the field of mental health, and I do not intend to sway anyone’s opinion or treatment. I’m simply standing in my truth, unwilling to take the stamp of ‘stigma’ that society has placed on people who struggle with mental health issues. I believe standing in your truth, voicing your truth, and being heard, is the best way to demolish the stigma. So I share my truths.

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